Page 22 - COMP-UP_IO2_Training Curriculum_EN_new
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Module2/Unit 2: Webinar – Thomas Gordon’s diagram.
Online session
Duration Methods and Content Tools/materials
15 min Thomas Gordon’s diagram of accurate empathy Access to the webinar
In this short webinar the participants will be on the project
familiarised with the concept of accurate empathy. platform.
Furthermore, the Thomas Gordon’s diagram of accurate
empathy will be explained and contextualized. The
common mistakes that we do when trying to
understand another person is also covered and
explained within the diagram.
Module 2/Unit 3: Relational competences using accurate empathy.
F2F Session
Duration Methods and Content Tools/materials
10-15 min. Presentation - Theoretical background to relational PPT-presentation on
competences trust and relationship
In this introductory presentation to the concept building, computer,
relational competences within education the projector.
theoretical background and Aspelin’s model will be
• Relational competences – what is it and why is
it important?
• Aspelin’s model on relational competences.
- Communication, differentiation and
• Emphasis will be given to communication
for the purpose of this training and the
following activities will be to strengthen
communication skills to form better
relationships and trust with students.
10 min. Presentation – Short recap on Accurate empathy and PPT-presentation on
Gordon’s diagram trust and relationships
In this presentation the concept of accurate empathy building, computer,
and Thomas Gordon´s diagram will be very briefly projector. Trainer read
recapped from the webinar just to ensure that all PDF-chapter on
participants have seen the webinar and understood it Accurate empathy in
fully. advance.
30 min. Presentation and activity – 12 roadblocks PPT-presentation on
Presentation: One way to describe what good listening trust and relationships
is, is to explain what it is not. 12 roadblocks are ways building, computer,